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DataPartner Customer Survey

Thank you to everyone who answered our customer survey. Your feedback is very important for us, it contributes towards improvements in our products and services.

We would like to share some interesting data gained from the survey, which showed also some unexpected results.  Although Invest for Excel® is widely used, not less than 90% of the companies still regularly also use Microsoft Excel for their calculations. Our team at DataPartner anticipated this result, but now we know for sure it is the case.

There were both kind of customer taking the survey, with 36% new customers (<2 Years) and 62% long-term customers (>2 years) ranging from small size companies up to multinational corporations having more than 1 bn € turnover.

It made us happy to hear that Invest for Excel reduces financial modelling time for more than 90% of the customers. 


Most customers reported to use the software for Investment appraisals and business planning. Nevertheless, depending on the demands also strategic planning, valuation of M&A and impairment testing are being calculated.  90% of DataPartner customer base use Invest for Excel for creation of investment appraisals, for which the majority of the customers use NPV and IRR calculations to value their investment.  


Working with a reliable tool, over 40% of the customers never had to come in contact with either helpdesk or trainers. 

We will improve our services based on the feedback received. The survey was a good learning process for us.

Don’t settle with our interpretations above, see the survey results yourself:


Which version of Invest for Excel -software does your company use?


Answer Choices Responses 
Invest for Excel Lite4.88%
Invest for Excel Standard14.63%
Invest for Excel Pro29.27%
Invest for Excel Enterprise39.02%
I’m not sure12.20% 


How long has your company been using Invest for Excel?


Answer Choices Responses 
< 1 year14.63%
1-2 years21.95%
3-5 years34.15%
6-10 years24.39%
> 10 years2.44%
I’m not sure2.44% 


Who uses Invest for Excel in your company? 


Answer Choices Responses 
Company management44.44%
Local management11.11%
Finance department63.89%
Product development13.89%
Development of operations25%
Real estate management5.56% 


Has someone in your company participated in DataPartner’s Invest for Excel- Workshops?


Answer Choices Responses 
I’m not sure4.88%


How often is Invest for Excel used in your company? 


Answer Choices Responses 
a few times a year37.50%
less than once a year2.50% 


For what purposes is Invest for Excel used in your company? 


Answer Choices Responses
Capital budgeting25%
Investment appraisal72.50%
Post implementation reviews12.50%
Business planning, long-term planning50%
Life cycle costing5%
Strategic planning30%
Cash flow modelling of projects, research & development, marketing and personnel42.50%
Liquidity planning and project financing10%
Profitability calculations37.50%
Impairment testing10%
Valuations (Mergers and Acquisitions)20%
I’m not sure2.50%


Which investment appraisal techniques does your company use?


Answer Choices Responses 
Net Present Value (NPV)80%
Annuity method10%
Payback period (Interest-bearing)42.50%
Payback period (Interest-free)25%
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)52.50%
Return on Net Assets (RONA)15%
Economic Value Added & Discounted Value Added (EVA & DCVA)12.50%
None of the alternatives above7.50%
I’m not sure7.50% 

The following statements concern the overall state of financial calculating in your company:

Please answer the following statements by choosing an alternative between 0 – 4. (0= I’m not sure, 1= I strongly disagree, 2= I somewhat disagree, 3= I somewhat agree, 4= I strongly agree).

Investment decisions in our company are based on investment appraisals.7.32%2.44%12.20%29.27%48.78%
Cash budgets are made regularly in our company.14.63%7.32%19.51%26.83%31.71%
Our company uses financial calculations in business planning.4.88%0%12.20%34.15%48.78%
Our company has / has had to make financial calculations in order to receive funding.24.39%19.51%2.44%31.71%21.95%

The following statements concern Invest for Excel- software:

Please answer the following statements by choosing an alternative between 0 – 4. (0= I’m not sure, 1= I strongly disagree, 2= I somewhat disagree, 3= I somewhat agree, 4= I strongly agree).

Invest for Excel- software is easy to use.2.50%0%20%55.00%22.50%
Our company benefits from using Invest for Excel.2.50%5%5%57.50%30%
Our company has the needed know-how to use Invest for Excel- software.0%7.50%22.50%45%25%
Invest for Excel- software is too expensive in relation to its benefits.5.26%18.42%57.89%10.53%7.89%

The following statements concern DataPartner’s customer service:

(0= I’m not sure, 1= I strongly disagree, 2= I somewhat disagree, 3= I somewhat agree, 4= I strongly agree).

The customer service in DataPartner’s Helpdesk is professional.24.24%0%3.03%42.42%30.30%
Helpdesk has provided our company with the help we have needed.32.26%0%9.68%32.26%25.81%

Does your company use any other financial modelling and valuation tools besides Invest for Excel software?

Answer Choices Responses 

Which version of Excel does your company use?

Answer Choices Responses 
Excel 2013 (Office 2013)14.63%
Excel 2010 (Office 2010)68.29%
Excel 2007 (Office 2007)17.07%
Excel 2003 (Office 2003)0%
Excel 2002 (Office XP)0% 

Does your company use Microsoft Office SharePoint Server? 

Answer Choices Responses 
I’m not sure19.51% 

Do you think Invest for Excel helps you to make better investment decisions? 

Answer Choices Responses 

If you answered yes, then why?

Here are some selected answers:

  • Better transparency
  • Clear statements
  • It is used for services sold.
  • helps to compare and prioritize investments.
  • It is easy to compare
  • More standardized calculation basis securing more transparent and consistent decision making.
  • We use it to rapidly produce models for clients
  • Linking investments to financial analysis
  • It gives us faith in that we have calculated correctly
  • It creates a clear common platform for capital investment calculations. It is also much more general and extensive than a “home-made” Excel worksheet would be. The sensitivity analysis is also a big plus.
  • Improves calculating techniques and risk analysis.
  • The Result is every time correct
  • Structuring the data and assumptions. Enable various scenario calculations
  • User-friendly, time-saving, predictable software
  • Sensitivity analysis and scenario planning
  • Systematic approach
  • Rules
  • More discipline and unite principles
  • Auttaa ymmärtämään investointikokonaisuuden nykyarvon.
  • I run a consultancy company and Investment for Excel is used it for my customer’s purposes in case they feel the need for it.
  • it helps to calculate and simulate different investment options
  • in general
  • We can valuate the different investments proposals easier with same standards.
  • Better understanding the running numbers and parameters if an investment. 

How much shorter is the modelling time in Invest for Excel compared to self-made Excel calculation? 

Answer Choices Responses 
Invest for Excel didn’t reduce the modelling time in our company7.32%
The modelling time has been reduced by 25%9.76%
The modelling time has been reduced by 50%26.83%
The modelling time has been reduced by 75%19.51%
The modelling time has been reduced by at least 100%4.88%
I’m not sure31.71%

Would your company be interested in participating in a meeting for Investment for Excel- users, if one would be arranged? In the meeting companies that use Invest for Excel- software could for example change experiences and get information concerning use of the software and its new features.

Answer Choices Responses 
Our company would be very interested in participating in the meeting12.50%
Our company might be interested in participating in the meeting55.00%
Our company is not interested in participating in the meeting32.50% 

In your opinion, which would be the most suitable time and duration for the meeting? 

Answer Choices Responses 
A morning or afternoon programme52.94%
A whole day programme44.12%
An evening programme5.88% 

How many people does your company employ? 

Answer Choices Responses 
< 1019.51%

What is the turnover of your company? 

Answer Choices Responses 
< EUR 2 million14.63%
EUR 2-10 million2.44%
EUR 11–50 million17.07%
EUR 50-99 million14.63%
EUR 100-499 million31.71%
EUR 500-999 million0%
> EUR 1 billion19.51% 

In which field does your company operate in? Choose an alternative below. (The list is based on Statistics Finland’s Standard Industrial Classification) 

Answer Choices Responses
Agriculture, forestry and fishing2.50%
Mining and quarrying0%
Electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply35%
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities2.50%
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles5%
Transportation and storage2.50%
Accommodation and food service activities2.50%
Information and communication0%
Financial and insurance activities2.50%
Real estate activities0%
Professional, scientific and technical activities15%
Administrative and support service activities2.50%
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security0%
Human health and social work activities5%
Arts, entertainment and recreation0%
Other service activities2.50%
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services- producing activities of households for own use0%
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies0%
Industry unknown2.50%