Göteborg Energi hace el salto a la licencia de grupo de Invest for Excel Enterprise - DataPartner Software


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Göteborg Energi hace el salto a la licencia de grupo de Invest for Excel Enterprise

March 3, 2009

Based on 1½ years experience of the Invest for Excel Enterprise software in use, Göteborg Energi AB took the step to a group license. In June 2007 Göteborg Energi acquired its first 25 licenses. Since then the company has been increasing the number of licenses frequently, until in November last year a critical mass of users made it more favorable to convert to a group license.

Advantages of the Software Group License:

  • Uniform calculations and investment proposals in the whole corporation
  • Free distribution and unlimited usage within whole corporation
  • No requirements for a strict administration of individual users installations and records
  • One program installation
  • Browser based access
  • No installations on workstations needed
  • Centralized template management, etc.
  • Cost savings compared to individual licenses
  • New subsidiaries automatically become a part of a group license.

Göteborg Energi AB is Western Sweden's leading energy company, providing
district heating , ready heat, energy services, broadband, cooling, natural gas and the electricity supply network. Turnover 2007: MSEK 3 686. Number of employees was 1048 as for the end of 2007. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Göteborgs Kommunala Förvaltnings AB.


  • Göteborg Energi Nät AB (100%)
  • Falbygdens Energi AB (100%)
  • Falbygdens Energi Nät AB (100%)
  • Falbygdens Bredband AB (51%)
  • Göteborg Energi GothNet AB (100%)
  • Göteborg Energi Gasnät AB (100%)
  • Fjärrvärme i Frölunda AB (100%)
  • Ale Fjärrvärme AB (100%)
  • Ale Energi AB (91%)
  • Partille Energi AB (50%)
  • Partille Energi Nät AB (100%)
  • Sörred Energi (100%)

Invest for Excel has become something of a standard among gas and electric utilities. See the list of over 50 other utilities that use Invest for Excel: Gas and Electric Utililty Customers.

